Dr S Jayaraj
Publication Officer
Dr S Jayaraj has been with the former Bay of Bengal Programme of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and later with the BOBP-IGO since 1985 in various capacities. Currently he is working as the Publication Officer of the BOBP-IGO and is responsible for handling matters related to production and development of promotional, instructional and awareness materials that include reports, manuals, brochures, booklets, newsletters, posters, etc. Apart from the print media, he also manages the audio-visual documentation of the Organisation and assists in regular updating of the website.
Dr S Jayaraj’s association with the development sector spans more than three decades and he has the experience of working with several national and international organisations in different roles such as artist, photographer, graphic designer and film-maker. For his contributions to the development world, he has received several national and international awards. Dr S Jayaraj holds a Bachelor's degree in Visual Communication Design from Madras University and a Diploma in Commercial Arts and Photography.