Waves of Art (BOBP Social Art Initiative)
Art and Artists add Colours tothe Global Conference on "Innovations in Fishing Technologies for Sustainable and Resilient Fisheries"
The BOBP-IGO in collaboration with professional artists and art enthusiast launched the ‘Waves of Art’ series to draw public attention on humane face of fisheries. Waves of Art Series is yet another step towards connecting fisheries with the larger society using Art as a medium. In this endeavour, the BOBP is collaborating with the ArnavazVasudev Charities, Cholamandal Artists Village, Chennai.
Waves of Art Series 3 – A live sketching event, with a theme on Artisanal Fisheries was conducted during the ICES-FAO International symposium on Innovations in Fishing Technologies for Sustainable and Resilient Fisheries organized by BOBP-IGO and NFDB at Kochi, India, 13-17 February, 2023. Senior Artists from Chennai and Urban sketchers of Kochi actively participated and demonstrated their sketching skills on the above theme. From 13-14 Feb 2022- 2 days’ live painting event, a panel of 72 paintings with various medium were created and displayed. It was a huge attraction and eye-catching for the participantsfrom all around the world.