Technical Guidelines of CCRF in Tamil
Tamil-language versions of Technical Guidelines relating to the Code
of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries have been prepared by the
BOBP-IGO in booklet form. Booklets were distributed to fishers in
Chennai on June 29, 2007 on the occasion of a one-day consultation
with fishers, NGO representatives, government officials and other
The booklets have also been sent to the presidents of fisheries
village committees through the Department of Fisheries at the
district level. They have also been given to the DOF in Chennai.

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ICFO training project for CBFRM
BOBP-IGO co-operation with International Cooperative Fisheries
Organization – training in community-based fishery resource
management in Asian countries
The BOBP-IGO is assisting and facilitating a Japan-funded training
project for promotion of CBFRM (community-based fishery resource
management) in Asian countries. The five-year project began in
Fiscal Year 2006, and will go on till Fiscal Year 2010. One country
from Asia is selected every year. Philippines was the first country
selected for project execution, Thailand is the second.
The project is being implemented by the International Cooperative
Fisheries Organization (ICFO) of the International Cooperative
Alliance (ICA). The project’s stated aims: to promote CBFRM by
small-scale coastal fishers and their organizations; strengthen
their activities; and thereby help sustainable production, job
opportunities and poverty alleviation.
The project has three phases for every country. Under Phase 1,
Japanese and other experts visit the selected country to study CBFRM
and make recommendations. Phase 2 – a team of select fishers from
the country visit Japan to study fisheries resource management
activities there. Under Phase 3, a concluding project workshop is
held in the selected country.
The BOBP-IGO has been entrusted with report preparation and
production. So far, three reports have been prepared of the project
work in the Philippines and two of work in Thailand.