Third Meeting of the Technical
Advisory Committee of the BOBP-IGO
The third meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee of the
BOBP-IGO was held in Beruwala, Sri Lanka on March 28 and 29, 2008.
Representatives of member-countries (Bangladesh, India, Maldives and
Sri Lanka) and observers from the FAO took part. The Hon Neomal
Perera, Deputy Minister of Fisheries & Aquatic Resources, Government
of Sri Lanka, delivered the inaugural address.
The meeting discussed the report of the activities of the BOBP-IGO
for the period April 2007 to March 2008 – mainly capacity-building,
regional workshops and publications – and the work plan for
2008-2009. Proposals and priorities of member-countries were also
heard and discussed. The progress of the South Asia component of the
Global Project on 'Safety at Sea for Small-scale Fisheries’,
initiated in May 2007 and implemented by the FAO through the
BOBP-IGO, was presented and discussed.

Regional consultation on shark fisheries in Sri Lanka
The Regional Consultation on Preparation of a Management Plan for
Shark Fisheries (RC-SF) was held in Beruwala, Sri Lanka, on 24-26
March 2008. Fifteen delegates representing India, Maldives and Sri
Lanka took part. Mr G Piyasena, Secretary, Ministry of Fisheries and
Aquatic Resources (MoFAR), Government of Sri Lanka, chaired the
The meeting heard and discussed technical presentations on the
status of shark fisheries in the three countries, and agreed on the
following set of activities: Comprehensive status paper on shark
fisheries resources
consultation on management aspects of shark fisheries in
each of the three countries at selected locations.
Setting up of a data
collection, collation and compilation mechanism on shark
fisheries, especially species-wise data.
Setting up of a
National Task Force on Shark Fisheries management. |
Setting up of a ‘Shark
Portal / Website’ to post all information on the shark
fisheries of the Bay of Bengal region. |
Documentation of
indigenous traditional knowledge for management of shark
Preparation of
‘awareness material’ on conservation and sustainable
exploitation of shark fisheries.