The Bay of Bengal Programme Inter-Governmental Organisation (BOBP-IGO), set up in 2003, is a unique regional fisheries body, specifically mandated to assist the member countries in increasing the livelihood opportunities and improving the quality of life of the small-scale/ artisanal fisher folk in the Bay of Bengal region. The current members of the Organisation are Bangladesh, India, Maldives and Sri Lanka while Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar and Thailand are cooperating non-contracting parties.
The core objectives of the BOBP-IGO are to increase awareness and knowledge of the needs, benefits and practices of marine fisheries management; enhance skills through training and education; transfer appropriate technologies and techniques for development of the small-scale fisheries; establish regional information networking; and promote women's participation in marine fisheries value chain.
The Organisation evolved from the erstwhile Bay of Bengal Programme of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN) founded in 1979. Over four decades of operation, the Organisation has worked closely with the whole-range of the stakeholders including the R&D Institutions to develop pathways to capacity enhancement for a sustainable future of the region. It has set international benchmarks in execution of programs and activities in the field of small-scale fisheries that has translated into measurable benefits for the member countries.