National Workshop on Monitoring,
Control and Surveillance 7-8 June 2008, Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh
A National Workshop on Monitoring, Control and Surveillance in
Marine Fisheries in Bangladesh (NW-MCS) was organized by the
Strengthening Institutional Capacity of Department of Fisheries (DoF)
Project (ASPS II: DoF-Danida) in coordination with the Ministry of
Fisheries and Livestock (MoFL), Government of Bangladesh and the
BOBP-IGO. The workshop was held in Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh, on 7-8
June 2008.

Fifty-one persons representing 21 national, regional and
international fisheries organizations attended the workshop. It
discussed the scope for implementing an effective MCS system in
Bangladesh -- especially the registration and licensing of fishing
vessels, effort optimization, institutional support and
capacity-building – and problems in implementation. An Action Plan
was prepared and submitted to the Government of Bangladesh for
further action.
1st Regional Training
Course on Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, 16-27 June
2008, Chennai, Mumbai, India
The first Regional Training Course on
Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (RTC-CCRF) was held in
Chennai, India, from 16 to 27 June 2008, in association with the
Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai, India. The first
of its kind targeting middle-level and junior level fisheries
officials from the member- countries, the course exposed
participants to the CCRF through in-depth theoretical sessions,
field visits and interaction. Sixteen persons (four from each
member- country) took part in the 10-day course. Participants were
awarded certificates on completion of the course. The second
RTC-CCRF is scheduled to be held from 21 June to 04 July 2009 in

Regional Consultation on Safety at Sea 7-8 July 2008, Chennai, India
The Regional Consultation on Safety at
Sea for Small-Scale Fisheries (RC-S@S) was held in Chennai, India on
7-8 July 2008. It reviewed the progress of activities under the
South Asian component of the Global Project on safety at sea. The
consultation was organised jointly by the FAO, the Swedish
International Development Agency (SIDA), the National Institute of
Occupational Safety and Health, Alaska, USA (NIOSH) and the BOBP-IGO.
Forty three persons took part: representatives of FAO, SIDA, the
International Maritime Organisation (IMO), NIOSH, member-countries
Bangladesh, India, Maldives and Sri Lanka, representatives of
fisheries institutions, NGOs and experts. Discussions centered on
the progress of the Safety at Sea Project activities in the region
and its global status; integration of safety at sea with fisheries
management; draft guidelines on safety of fishing vessels below 24 m
overall length (OAL); training needs of fishers; community
mobilization; and the status of legislative support to small-scale
fisheries management in the four member-countries.
