Regional Strategic Meeting on
European Union Regulation on IUU Fishing, September 2009, Negombo,
Sri Lanka
The Regional Strategic Meeting (RSM:EU-IUU) to understand the impact
of the European Union’s Regulation on IUU Fishing (Council
Regulation No 1005/2008 of 29 September 2008, or EU-IUU Regulation
in brief) on BOBP-IGO member-countries Bangladesh, India, Maldives
and Sri Lanka was held in Negombo, Sri Lanka from 11 to 12 September
2009. Representatives of the four member-countries, FAO and INFOFISH
took part.

The meeting welcomed the EU-IUU Regulation as it is expected to help
combat IUU fishing – a long-standing problem in the marine waters of
the member-countries. A through review has been carried out of the
preparedness of member-countries regarding the EU-IUU Regulation. It
was concluded that member-countries have the necessary legal
framework to address the requirements of EU-IUU Regulation, though
the diverse nature of the fishery and resource constraints pose
problems of implementation. Delegates also discussed at length the
problem of catch certification from the small-scale fishery. After
deliberations over two days, member-countries prepared roadmaps to
address the issues identified.
As of now (13 Jan
2010), India, Maldives and Sri Lanka have notified EU about their
arrangements for catch certification.
National Workshop on
Monitoring Control and Surveillance
25-26 November 2009, Kelawewa, Sri Lanka
A National Workshop on Monitoring,
Control and Surveillance in Marine Fisheries in Sri Lanka (NW-MCS)
was organized by Sri Lanka’s Ministry of Fisheries and Aquatic
Resources and the BOBP-IGO. The workshop was held in the National
Inland Fisheries & Aquaculture Training Institute, Kalawewa,
Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka, from 25 to 26 November 2009. Forty-three
persons representing 15 national, regional and international
fisheries organizations attended. The workshop examined the problems
and prospects of fisheries management in Sri Lanka and came out with
an Action Plan for strengthening MCS of fisheries resources in the
country. The Action Plan has been submitted to the Government of Sri
Lanka for further action.

Upcoming events
Second Regional Consultation on Preparation of Management Plan for
Hilsa Fisheries, Chittagong, Bangladesh, 08-09 February 2010
Second Regional Consultation on
Preparation of Management Plan for Hilsa Fisheries, Chittagong,
Bangladesh, 08-09 February 2010.
Hilsa is a popular, commercially valuable fish found in the waters
of the Bay of Bengal along Bangladesh, India and Myanmar.
Sustainability of the stock is threatened by heavy demand and
over-exploitation. The three countries had met in 2008 to chalk out
strategies for a management plan for hilsa fisheries within the
countries as well as in the region as a whole. The objective of the
Second Regional Consultation is to review progress on hilsa
management since then and facilitate preparation of national-level
plans and a regional level plan. The Regional Consultation will be
organized in coordination with the Ministry of Fisheries and
Livestock, Government of Bangladesh.