Fourth Meeting of the Technical
Advisory Committee 22-23 April 2009, Dhaka, Bangladesh
The Fourth Meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) of the
BOBP-IGO was held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, on 22 - 23 April, 2009.
Representatives of member-countries Bangladesh, India, Maldives and
Sri Lanka, and an observer from the FAO took part.

The TAC reviewed activities carried out by the BOBP-IGO for the
period April 2008-March 2009, especially the preparation of a
management plan for shark fisheries. Member-countries also presented
their proposals and priorities, on the basis of which an activity
matrix for the period April 2009 to March 2010 was drawn up. The TAC
suggested that the secretariat finalize the matrix in consultation
with the Governing Council scheduled to meet on May 2009.
Consultation on Sea Safety 4-5 June 2009, Chennai, India
The Final Meeting of the South Asia
component of the FAO global project on Safety at Sea was held in
Chennai, India, on 4-5 June 2009. It was organised jointly by the
FAO and the BOBP-IGO. Objective: to evaluate the Project's
accomplishments in South Asia; seek endorsement for Project
activities; present the Safety Guidelines for Fishing Vessels under
24 m in length; and to discuss the sustainability of safety-at-sea
initiatives by member-countries. Thirty two delegates representing
the FAO, BOBP-IGO member-countries Bangladesh, India, Maldives and
Sri Lanka, project consultants and the BOBP-IGO secretariat attended
the meeting.

Fifth Meeting of the Governing Council of the BOBP-IGO (GCM) 15-16
June 2009, Chennai, India
The Fifth Meeting of the Governing
Council of the BOBP-IGO was held in Chennai, India on 15 - 16 June
2009. Representatives of member-countries Bangladesh, India,
Maldives, Sri Lanka took part, along with an observer from the FAO
and secretariat staff of the BOBP-IGO.

The GCM reviewed the BOBP-IGO's activities during the period April
2008- March 2009, the Work plan for April 2009- March 2010 and a
Strategic Action Plan for 2010-14.
Activities during the period 2008-09 included successful completion
of the South Asia Component of the Global Project on ‘Safety at Sea
for Small-scale Fisheries' implemented by the FAO (Fisheries
Industries Division); publication of a comprehensive Safety Guide
for Small-scale Fishers; preparation of audio-visual guides for
maintenance of long-tail engines and engines in fishing boats of
Bangladesh; transfer of indigenously developed cost-effective
technologies; organization of resource management services; and
information dissemination.