Welcome to the BOBP-IGO Website! |
The Bay of Bengal Programme (BOBP) is an Inter-Governmental
Organisation mandated to enhance cooperation among member countries,
other countries and organisations in the region and provide
technical and management advisory services for sustainable coastal
fisheries development and management in the Bay of Bengal region.
About BOBP
At BOBP, we never lose sight of the fact that it is the small-scale/
artisanal fishermen who need us most and all our activities and end
products are aimed at improving their quality of life. Click
here to know about
the Organisation, History, Mission, Goals, BOBP-IGO Agreement,
Member Countries.
We are focused on helping the member countries in sustaining
fisheries production and ensuring livelihood security for millions
of fisher folk in the region. In line with their felt needs, a range
of activities are planned for implementation
here) |

Publications and Software
Our products include a range of documents (working
papers, reports,
mimeographs, etc),
video films and
CD-ROMs, which can be downloaded
from onefish's website or procured from the BOBP (click
here for details) |